

Satire is a literary term used to ridicule or make fun of human vice or weakness it is a piece of literature designed to make fun. Satire arouses laughter or scorn as a means of ridicule and derision, with the avowed intention of correcting human faults.

What is being satirized in Taylor Mali's "The the impotence of proofreading" is the use of the spell check. Even though Mali is using spell check in his writing there are still a lot of mistakes. In the first paragraph there are numerous mistakes I have made the corrections to it what Mali was trying to say was, "Has this ever happened to you? You work very hard on a paper for English class And then get a very low grade (like a D or even a D-) and all because you are the world's worst speller. Proofreading your papers is a matter of the the upmost importance."

In the article New Facebook Feature Allows User To Cancel Account social media website Facebook introduced a new feature that allows users to cancel their accounts. The point of Facebook is social networking, meeting people and contacting friends or family. I find it hilarous that now after people making such a big fuss to have a Facebook can just delete it. Why join in the first place Its very hypercritical to join a site for social network and then isolate from others by canceling the account that we joined to meet people.

"Advice to Youth" by Mark Twain is an example of satire. Twains words of advice are stating the obvious. He's telling the youth things they already know and learned; things like Always obey your parents, Be respectful to your superiors, Go to bed early, get up early also Dont lie and get caught and of course Never handle firearms carelessly. I believe Twain's speech is a perfect example of satire because he is clearly making fun of the advice by giving them advice as if there was no common sense in them at all.

In the short story HARRISON BERGERON" by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. The thought of equality is being satirized because it say's in 2081 everyone will be equal. The example being satirized is "Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else." this quote from the passage is not true. People have no control over being smarter,better looking or being stronger or quicker than one another. There is no way people can be equal in those parts.

In the article Reading Satirical Articles Can Get You Tortured, Sent To Gitmo" A British Person at Guantanamo Bay was being tortured in a jail in Pakistan he was accused of being a terrorist after confessing he had visited a ‘joke’ website on how to build a nuclear weapon. The article was called "How To Build An H-Bomb". According to the source the article was first published in a US satirical magazine and later placed on a series of websites. After hearing the mans confession the CIA believed the man was an top Al Qaeda terrorist. Binyam Mohamed sat in one of the worst jails in the world because of an website that was made to make fun. The U.S took him seriously when they shouldn't have.

The image to the right is an example of a satircal cartoon. It shows a women and a man having a short conversation. In the cartoon the idea of women not being able to do the same work as men is being made fun of by the women saying the only difference between them is a criminal record, Which i think is very funny.

Satire (a form of humor that imitates another work of art in an exaggerated fashion) is very important. It is being used everywhere and all over the world. In poems,storys, websites, articles and even in cartoons and on television. I believe it is so common that when people use satie they dont even relize it.
© Dema Latay Jones 2011