


Welcome,My name is Dema Jones and I attend west side high school. I am now a senior and plan on graduating in january 2011 i am very excited and motivated to graduate i know it will not be possible unless i work hard that is why right now i attend school 8am-5pm in order to get the credits i need. Although i am tired all the time to stay focused all i have to do is remind myself that if i want to graduate in four months im going to have to take up more classes. English is one of the classes that i need more credits on to get the credit i need i am in 2 english classes this cycle and i will b in another 2 next cycle i am also in a prep class for math and global for the january regents. I study everyday for the test. I feel like im stressing the regents out more than anything because with out it i cant graduate.Credit is not a problem for me as long as i pass every class. For some reason when i hear the word test i FLUNK!
© Dema Jones 2011